Monday, December 30, 2024

GROK AI (twitter/X), on Communitarianism & Niki Friedrich Raapana

 I asked:

"Please give me exhaustive details about Nikki F raapana and her opposition to communitarianism"



Niki F. Raapana, along with her daughter Nordica Friedrich, is known for her work as an independent researcher and writer focusing on communitarianism, a philosophy she actively opposes. Here's a detailed overview based on available web information:

Background and Work:

Co-founder of Anti Communitarian League (ACL): Niki Raapana founded the Anti Communitarian League, an online grassroots research institute dedicated to studying and critiquing communitarianism. The ACL was established in 1999 in response to local community development actions in Seattle, Washington.

Authorship: Raapana co-authored with Nordica Friedrich several key texts on the subject:

"2020: Our Common Destiny" - This book explores the historical and philosophical roots of communitarianism, particularly how it intertwines with concepts like Agenda 21 and sustainable development. 

"The Anti Communitarian Manifesto" - A comprehensive critique of communitarian ideology, law, and its implications on individual rights and freedoms.

Opposition to Communitarianism:

Philosophical Critique: Raapana views communitarianism as a synthesis in the Hegelian dialectic, where individual rights are subjugated to the needs of the community, which she sees as a precursor to forms of global governance that diminish personal freedoms. She describes this as a "Dictatorship of the Community," contrasting it with communism by noting its integration of capitalist and socialist elements.

Legal and Political Analysis: Her work delves into how communitarian principles are being implemented through laws and policies, particularly those associated with sustainable development and community planning. She criticizes these as tools for globalists to reshape society under the guise of environmental and social benefits, ultimately leading to a new world order.

Publications and Media: Raapana has been active in sharing her views through various platforms:

She contributed articles to News With Views, discussing topics like the role of religion in communitarian synthesis, neighborhood fascism, and the final synthesis in the Hegelian dialectic.

Podcasts and interviews, like those on "The Mind Renewed" and "The Shift," have featured her discussing communitarianism's implications, particularly in the context of global corporatism and policy changes like those during the COVID-19 response.

Influence and Recognition:

Academic Reference: Raapana's work has been referenced in academic settings, including Vassar College Seminars and in Thomas Wood's National Association of Scholars Bibliography on the Communitarian Residence Life Movement.

Public Engagement: Through her blog, "Living Outside The Dialectic," she continued to engage with readers, offering critiques of other researchers and activists like Rosa Koire, who she felt misrepresented or misused her work on communitarianism.

Legacy and Continuation:

Posthumous Work: After Niki Raapana's passing in 2022, her daughter Nordica Friedrich continued their legacy by initiating projects to publish and update their research, including new editions of their books and new titles like "The Green Virgin."

Raapana's opposition to communitarianism is deeply rooted in her critique of how this ideology undermines individual liberties in favor of collective governance, which she sees as a covert path towards totalitarian control masked by progressive or communal ideals. Her work has sparked discussion and debate within circles concerned with the implications of global policy frameworks on personal freedoms.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Psalm 23: SB's Paraphrase (in a "sing song" rhythm)

 The LORD is my shepherd I shant want

he makes me lie down in da green grass

he takes me next to the still waters

he restores my soul

he takes me up the right street becuz his name is good

and even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death:

I'm not afraid of evil cuz your w/ me

your rod and your staff

they comfort me

you make a place for me where my enemies live

you rub oil on my head;

my cup runneth over

for sure goodness and mercy gonna follow me all the days of my life

and I will dwell in your house forever


Saturday, December 21, 2024

TWITTER [X]] UNROLL: They are forcing AI onto us all, and the world will quickly change

 Ryan's talking about the huge changes going on behind the scenes w/ AI. Most only dabble or are vaguely aware. Many have zero clue that AI is anything but "bad fantasy photo generation". They've never looked up the definition of "SINGULARITY". Short thread of my thoughts:

We've been conditioned to think about AI our whole lives--in the west--with sci-fi like HAL, (the AI computer voice from "2001: A Space Oddessy"), or with the deep fantasy speculation of guys like Phillip K Dick (Bladerunner), or William Gibson (Neuromancer). & Don't forget DUNE.

Much of the media that's been provided, (mostly fiction), has a dystopian vibe to it. Like Terminator. The AI computers & their mechanical robots are going to take over the world & we will become their slaves. It probably won't go this route in reality...

But it will change everything--forever. It already has. They say that AI was 1st mentioned in a workshop organized by John McCarthy in 1956 at the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence. & this makes me suspect it's been around even longer, as a concept.

I find it interesting & super annoying that they are forcing it on us in a soft way. Have you noticed on Facebook Mobile? How they put the little "AI Helper" buttons right where your muscle memory is already programmed to click? So you open it on accident--

--and then have to go back--and re-click just to add a photo & what not? WELL THAT'S NO ACCIDENT. And it's also dishonest. We've been deeply conditioned to accept deception and dishonesty because of the world of marketing and advertising.

& currently they've focused that "slight of hand trick" on ramping up AI. The put the buttons where you HAVE to click. They use ALL the pictures & text on the internet to build & feed their models, & With little or no repercussions. It's unavoidable. Forced under your nose.

And really that's all just surface level dialectical garbage. Most people don't have the attention or intelligence to truly consider what these systems are currently capable. And that prevents them from considering how much bigger & 'all pervasive' it will become.

Vast majority of people don't know what an "order of magnitude" really means. They don't know how fast we're all traveling in this new AI direction. (It's 10x times a gazillion). They've tied it into everything. Did you notice how often the chat bot and phone prompt are AI?

...well it's only gonna keep on going. the post that Ryan shared is not an account I'm familiar with. but the graphics he's sharing are trying to inform you--the AI is getting so "smart" so fast--it's gonna undercut almost every single industry on earth.

The 'secret nerds' on "Mt Olympus" are designing a system that will allow them to replace almost all human labor as we know it. I think Ryan's right--and that it will take many more years than some are predicting--but, it's still coming.

...and lately they're making it impossible to ignore. It's not a coincidence, or by accident, that they're shuffling buttons, and flooding the feeds w/ bad art, and suddenly encouraging people to "sign up" at a low price...

Or even use it for FREE. (Did you notice that GROK & META AI are now free?) I did. Their marketing strategy worked on me. I'm not an early adopter or someone who needs to pay for AI just yet... But making it FREE was just enough to get me to start experimenting. "tinkering".

And it's amazing. And horrifying. And I have so many questions and complaints. I didn't really say much here... Just a thread to consider "the vibe of the thing". What do you think about the whole AI roll out these last few years? Or maybe you don't care? Or you're not sure?

...maybe you should just ask the AI?

✅--I went back and added some random captures of my digital art from my Insta. It's all for sale if you just ask. Oh! & also... I was wrong. I do pay for the program that helps me make all this art. And it uses quite a bit of AI for many of it's functions.) "So it goes"